Rendering of a blue emoped

The e-Moped that’s made for sharing

Wunder eMoped
Rendering of a blue emoped

Build your fleet of electric vehicles

Wunder is here to help you build your dream fleet. Have more time to think about branding and marketing. We will be right behind you with our best-in-class software, our expertise in operations and support with everything vehicle related. Wunder is a one-stop-shop for your business with easy scaling possibilities.

Photo of person standing next to emoped with phone in hand

Operate with built-in connectivity

Chev pointing to the right
We work with smart vehicles, engineered to seamlessly communicate with each other — and with you — 24/7 across your entire mobility ecosystem. Our software is made so that you’re able to manage the technical layer of your fleet without external support. It is easy to use and to integrate new vehicles whenever you want to start scaling-up your business.
Photo of person standing next to emoped with phone in hand
A person squatting next to electric scooter operating a hand tool on one of them.

Leave the logistics to us

Chev pointing to the right
We’ll source, ship and store your vehicles at your convenience. Thanks to our relationship with top manufacturers, logistics has become effortless around here. Just pick out your vehicle of choice, and we’ll pick it up from there. And if you’re not sure of your vehicle of choice, well, we can also advise you on that.
A person squatting next to electric scooter operating a hand tool on one of them.
Image showing the backs of emopeds standing in a row

Customize, customize, customize

Chev pointing to the right
This one is on you - Your vehicles are your vision. Branding will help you make a memorable impression on your customers and will distinguish you from your competitors. Bring your vehicles to life by choosing the perfect colors, icons, logo, taglines or anything that makes your fleet, your fleet. Defining a consistent identity will set you ahead on the market.
Image showing the backs of emopeds standing in a row
Rendering of white Wunder eMoped from the side

Discover our vehicles co-developed with Yadea

Yadea and Wunder Mobility have co-developed two new sharing-ready vehicles – an e-moped and an e-bike. By partnering with Yadea, we benefit from their expertise as the world's leading light electric vehicles manufacturer and can deliver any number of high quality vehicles quickly.

Close up of an emoped front rear
Native built-in
Close up of emoped rendering showing the handle and display
Built to reduce TCO (total cost of ownership) for Operators
Close up of emoped rendering showing the back tire
Rendering of blue eMoped

Wunder eMoped

Branding and color customization available

Learn more

Empowering your hardware vision

We’re here to assist in constructing your optimal fleet, allowing you more time to focus on branding and marketing. With our best-in-class software, along with our operational expertise and comprehensive vehicle-related support, we stand ready to support your endeavors every step of the way.

Ready to boost your shared mobility service?

Contact us today and unleash the power of customization

Wunder mobility software platform displaying the location of several vehicles in a phone and a desktop.