How to use webhooks to take your shared mobility service to the next level

Have you ever wished that you could get instant, real-time notifications every time something changes within your shared mobility system? Well, with webhooks, you get exactly that. But, what are webhooks and how can you use them to your best advantage? We’ve got you covered, read on to find out everything you need to know about these incredibly useful notifications!
What are webhooks?
Webhooks are notifications about things that are happening in the system. Essentially, they are messages which are sent from our database to yours. For example, webhooks notify you when the location of your vehicles changes, whenever a new payment method is added, and whenever a reservation is started, among other things.
How to use webhooks to take your shared mobility service to the next level
The great thing about webhooks is that they have a huge range of applications and can help you with almost every area of your shared mobility business. From fleet management, to automation, to marketing, there are so many ways to use webhooks to get the most out of your fleet.
The biggest advantage of webhooks is that you can keep tabs on everything that’s going on at all times, so you can take action whenever and wherever you need to. This will ensure that your vehicles are as active and available as possible, which will ultimately ensure that you keep users happy and make as much money as possible.
Webhooks can make your operations seriously slick as you can also automate certain tasks. By designating ‘if this then that’ rules many tasks can be automated and carried out behind the scenes with minimal effort on your part.
You can use webhooks to maintain your fleet i.e. if you get a notification that states that new damage has been added to one of your vehicles you can communicate with your ground staff to get them to check the damage. Any vehicles that need repairing are not being used, so the faster (and more efficiently) this can be solved, the better. This is just one case where webhooks can really help you.
Also, if you offer vehicles such as e-scooters or e-mopeds that require helmets, you can use webhooks to keep track of these. Once activated, you can get notifications when helmets go missing and you can track down the last user to use them. This will save you money and keep your users happy and safe on the road.
Webhooks can also be used to strengthen your marketing efforts as you can keep track of where your customers are in the marketing funnel.
With this knowledge, you can work out the optimal times to remarket your services. You can prompt users to do certain things such as add their driving license or update their payment method so that they can continue to use your service with ease. And, you can follow up with customers who have left poor reviews by offering them promo codes.
Why should I add webhooks to my subscription?
Webhooks are a Value Added Service which means that they are a paid-for extra that you can add to your monthly subscription, just like our IoT Connector. So, why should you pay extra for them?
Here at Wunder, webhooks are a premium feature because we work with you to customize and activate your webhooks for you. But our support doesn’t stop there. Once the webhooks are activated we continue to maintain the server so that the webhooks are always available and working correctly. And we’re even able to add more server resources to support your instance when needed.
Here are some examples of the kinds of webhooks we can activate for you:
Backend webhooks
- Notification is triggered whenever an end-customer gets created or deleted
- Notification whenever a vehicle’s location changes
- Notification whenever a payment type was activated or updated
- Notification whenever a new plan was added
- Notification whenever a promotion code was created, updated or deleted
- Notification whenever a reservation has been started
- Notification whenever a vehicle gets added, updated or deleted
- Notification whenever an invoice is created
- Notification whenever a parking ticket gets created or updated
- Notification whenever a refund gets created
Frontend webhooks
- Notification whenever a customer is created, i.e. when a customer signs up for your service using the app (after the first sign in is complete)
- Notification whenever a reservation starts or ends
- Notification whenever a change request is created: i.e. customer wants to change their data, e.g. reset their password
There are many exciting applications for webhooks that can help you to streamline your operations and maximize your profits. From optimizing your fleet maintenance, to boosting your marketing efforts, there are so many things you can do with webhooks and we’re here to help you with whatever you need.
Feeling inspired? Right now, we’re offering up to 20% off our software if you order our vehicles at the same time. What are you waiting for? Get in touch with our team and let’s see where our software and webhook activations can take you!